Urban Striker conceptualise, designed, and activated the Extreme Experiential journey at the Shimza X Friends event in Durban.
Showcasing the new Extreme Passion Fruit flavour.
The Extreme activation space was within the venue of the Shimza X friend venue, enticing patros to enter the space through a giant LED can that showcased the most eye catching graphics and the new flavour Extreme Can design.
Once through the LED can you were transported into a realm of pure wonder in a 10m long LED tunnel, a fog curtain transition through to the tasting zone, where everyone had the opportunity to taste the new Extreme Passion Fruit.
With plenty of photo ops and custom lounge pockets the patrons could experience the energy of the Extreme brand. Four thousand cans were given away during the 7 hour event.
The activation was so impressive that it was hailed and the new bench mark for the Extreme brand, as well as other brands within the portfolio